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Alnus Glutinosa

Articular rheumatism, infection [TABS] Description Allium cepa has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms related to allergic rhinitis and common colds such as secretion of tears, sneezing, rhinorrhea...

Amplopsis Veitchii

Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis [TABS] Description Indicated for conditions such as non-conjunctivitis and fascia inflammatory irritations, as well as chronic rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren's disease, ankylosing spondylitis and cartilage regeneration. Stimulates...

Betula Pendula (SAP)

For arthritis and gout [TABS] Description Anti-arthritic remedy that can be used in spring and fall, with excellent results. Blood uric acid levels can be reduced by 50% within two...

Betula Pendula (Bud)

Osteomyelitis, heart disease [TABS] Description Indicated in conditions related to the liver and kidneys, adolescent nasopharyngitis, demineralization in children and adolescents, nervous system exhaustion, benign breast cysts, bone breaks or...

Betula Pubescens

Used to detoxify the liver. Indicated as a remedy for conditions such as osteoarthritis and arteriosclerosis [TABS] Description The downy birch bud is a central drainer for a number of...

Castanea Vesca

Indicated for spasmodic and congestive difficulties, lymphatic circulation, congestion, vein disorders [TABS] Description Indicated for spasmodic and congestive difficulties, lymphatic circulation, congestion, vein disorders. Dosage Adults and children over 12:...

Corylus Avellana

Chronic bronchitis, multiple sclerosis [TABS] Description Should be used primarily as a complementary remedy, as it enhances the effectiveness of other remedies. Because it has a gentle action on all...

Crataegus oxyacantha

For all heart conditions [TABS] Description Indicated for all cardiac symptoms and disorders such as precordial pain, tachycardia, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure and infarction sequelae. Crataegus Oxyacantha has very...

Ficus Carica

Psychosomatic difficulties, colitis [TABS] Description This remedy is indicated for conditions such as obsessive and anxiety neurosis, gastric and peptic ulcers, psychosomatic difficulties and facial neuralgia. Ficus Carica is a...

Ilex aquifolium

Kidney dysfunctions, epilepsy [TABS] Description This remedy is indicated for conditions such as gastritis, psoriasis, eczema, benign breast cysts, epilepsy, kidney dysfunctions and fibroadenoma hyperplasia. Ilex aquifolium is a diuretic...

Juglans Regia

Skin infections, pancreatic disorders [TABS] Description Indicated for conditions such as varicose ulcers, skin infections (including impetigo, infected eczema), pancreatic problems, insulin deficiency and post-antibiotic treatment. Juglans Regia is an...

Lonicera Nigra

Asthma, inflammation of the spleen [TABS] Description Has a calming effect and can be used in times of stress. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as colibacillosis, tonsillitis, asthma,...

Olea Europaea

For hypertension and arteriosclerosis [TABS] Description Olea Europaea has anti-thrombotic and anti-viscous properties which help in regulating blood circulation by making it less viscous. Its prescription is reserved for patients...

Pinus Montana

Chronic rheumatism, osteoarthritis, cartilage regeneration, demineralization, joint pain, lymphatic drainage [TABS] Description Pinus Montana is effective for the regeneration of hard tissues, bones and cartilage. It acts on blood vessels...

Platanus Orientalis

Malaria, vitiligo [TABS] Description Platanus Orientalis acts primarily as a complementary remedy for Malaria, Kala-azar, or any other metabolic ailments that specifically increase this type of immunoglobulins. This remedy is...

Prunus amygdalus

Hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia [TABS] Description Prunus Amygdalus Bud is helpful in lowering triglycerides. It is indicated in conditions such as hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia and arteriosclerosis. Dosage Adults: 50 drops (1/2 teaspoon) one...

Rosa Canina

Migraines, allergies, herpes [TABS] Description Rosa Canina is very similar to Alnus glutinosa except that Rosa Canina is primarily metabolic, while Alnus glutinosa is primarily anti-inflammatory. However, Rosa canina can...

Rosmarinus officinalis

Liver failure, allergies [TABS] Description Rosmarinus Officinalis is an excellent remedy for morbid degeneration. It can readjust and support all biochemical syndromes (except glucose metabolism). It is a very effective...

Rubus Fruticosus

Osteoarthritis, bronchitis [TABS] Description Rubus fructicosus can help reduce the pain that accompanies bone decalcification. The treatment of osteoarthritis in the elderly is delicate, as osteoporosis is a syndrome of...

Sequoia Gigantea

Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis [TABS] Description The main action of Sequoia Gigantea is to act on 17-ketosteroids. It can regulate the activity of seminal vesicle epithelium, prostate activity and spermatogenesis activity for...

Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
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