White Chestnut
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- For those who are irresolute, who have ideas going around in circles in their heads without finding a solution.
Well acclimatized in parks and gardens, the horse chestnut with white flowers is actually native to Central Asia, the Himalayas or the Caucasus. Bach used it twice, for its buds as well as for its very fragrant flowers when ripe and appreciated by bees. They reveal themselves in white petals speckled with yellow which turn red after pollination. grouped in pyramidal clusters, they open irregularly, giving a confused overall impression. Despite their profusion, they produce few seeds, only a few of which will manage to form chestnuts.
This floral abundance which bears so little fruit is an evocative illustration of the remedy, intended for the hyperactive of the mind, for those whose invasive and obsessive thoughts go around in circles in the head without achieving anything. This exhausting internal dialogue which repeats itself over and over often fuels insomnia. White chestnut is recommended to dissolve this process of stuttering thoughts and to bring calm and clarity of mind.
“For those who cannot prevent certain ideas, thoughts, reflections that they do not want from turning around in their heads. This usually happens when their interest in the present moment is too weak to occupy their entire mind. Thoughts torment and remain, and if we manage to chase them away, they return, go round in circles and torture the mind. This type of unpleasant thought chases away rest and prevents us from being present to what we have to do or to the pleasures of existence. » Extract from the 1936 edition of "The Twelve Healers", translated into French by C. Lévi and G. Wolf.
Adults: 2 drops in a glass of water or on the tongue 4 times a day.
Nutritional information
Non-medicinal ingredients: Grape alcohol 27% v/v, aqueous solution of Aesculus hippocastanum flowers (dilution 1/500).
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