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Collection Unda

Sorbus domestica

Menopause, tinnitus [TABS] Description Sorbus domestica acts on conditions of serum hyperviscosity and hypercoagulability which may contribute to an over-reactive type of reticuloendothelial metabolism. This condition can be detected in...

Syringa vulgaris

Angina pectoris, heart problems [TABS] Description Syringa vulgaris has a specific action on the arteries of the heart. It is an anti-spasmodic remedy which improves the circulation of the myocardium...

Tilia Tomentosa

Nervous sedative, migraines [TABS] Description Tilia tomentosa has been shown to be antiplethoric, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. It is primarily a functional remedy that is active in chronic superficial inflammation. It...

Ulmus Campestris

Skin infections, gout [TABS] Description Ulmus campestris is an excellent drainer. When the syndrome is simple, its action affects all metabolisms, detoxifying and remineralizing the body. When used accordingly, it...

Vitis vinifera

Description to come [TABS] Description Description to come Dosage Adults: Dosage available on the product label Nutritional information Non-medicinal ingredients: Ingredients available on product label [/TABS]

Zea Mays

Kidney inflammation [TABS] Description Zea Mays has a predilection for post-infarct scarring of heart tissue and produces a drop in blood transaminase levels. This solution is indicated for conditions such...

Calcarea Carbonica 6x

Promotes calcium metabolism. Used to rebalance calcium levels and restore insufficient calcium metabolism [TABS] Description This salt is indicated to promote the rapid development of bones and teeth; for joint...

Calcarea Fluorica 6x

Homeopathic remedy, bone decay, lumbago [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as bone caries, deficient tooth enamel, hyperlaxity of ligaments, uterine fibroids, prolapsed organs, varicose veins and...

Calcarea Sulfurica 6x

Sinusitis, skin disorders [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as sinusitis, skin disorders, exudative abscesses, superficial burns of the skin and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Calcarea...

Calcium phosphoricum 6x

Calcium deficiency, leucorrhoea [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as deficient calcium assimilation, chronic infections of the mucous membranes, ulcerations and fractures of bones and sphincters, bladder...

Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x

Infections, nephritis [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as gingivitis, tonsillitis, epistaxis, fever, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gastritis, nephritis, anemia, bruises and disorders of iron metabolism. Ferrum phosphoricum 6X...

Kalium muriaticum 6x

For glossitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, cystitis and dry skin rashes like eczema and dry cough [TABS] Description Salt Kalium muriaticum acts to lubricate tissues such as skin and mucous membranes....

Kalium Phosphoricum 6x

For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with anxiety due to insomnia and overwork [TABS] Description Salt Kalium phosphoricum 6X affects nerve cells, brain, blood and muscles. It is particularly...

Kalium sulfuricum 6x

For chronic ear infections, rashes, measles, laryngitis, leucorrhoea and nasal catarrh [TABS] Description Salt Kalium Sulfuricum is used in recovery processes as in the third stage of the chronic infectious...

Magnesia Phosphorica 6x

Promotes and maintains muscle health. Relieves cramps associated with menstruation. [TABS] Description Schüssler salts work at the cellular level to balance and restore cellular function. Schüssler UNDA salts are prepared...


Helps maintain mineral metabolism and general good health [TABS] Description Schuessler Tissue Salts work at the cellular level to balance and restore cellular function. UNDA Tissue Salts are prepared using...

Natrium muriaticum 6x

Helps promote and maintain overall health. Helps temporarily relieve symptoms associated with the common cold. [TABS] Description Schuessler Tissue Salts work at the cellular level to balance and restore cellular...

Natrium Phosphoricum 6x

For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion of fatty foods. [TABS] Description Schuessler Tissue Salts work at the cellular level to balance and restore...

Natrium sulfuricum 6x

Helps promote and maintain healthy liver, kidneys and digestive functions. [TABS] Description Schuessler Tissue Salts work at the cellular level to balance and restore cellular function. UNDA Tissue Salts are...

Silicea 6x

Important anti-fungal for chronic diseases, especially those associated with pus formation [TABS] Description This salt is indicated for conditions such as rickets, bone ulceration, atrophy of the adrenal glands, exostosis,...

Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
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